Wednesday, December 04, 2013

Pastor's Corner, Nick Stumbo

"This fall, we had the privilege of hosting Todd and Karen Dinius for our Global Impact week. Although it was our first time to have them here in person, our friendship with the Dinius family extends much further back. Over the last four plus year, EHA has developed a significant international partnership with the Alliance team in Bosnia. We have made a commitment to walk alongside this team as they do ministry in a very dark, challenging part of the world.

Our partnership with Bosnia has five components:
1)Personal Connection- getting to know the team at a deeper level.
2)Partner Care- meeting personal needs of team members.
3) Financial Resourcing.
4)Strategic Prayer.
5)Short-Term Trips.

I encourage you to continue finding ways to participate with us in supporting the Alliance team in Bosnia. The team is comprised of the Dinius's, Mark and Kathy Eikost, Mark and Vivianne Shady, Laura Eckman and
Petula Myers.

Here is a recent update from our friends Mark and Kathy Eikost:
Lights! Camera . . . Action!
October is movie month at our community center (Izvor/The Source).
We sponsor a film seminar for local high school students and then work with them to produce short films. In November we will have our own
gala event where the best teams in various categories will get an award. Click on the link below to see our
promotional video about this event and please pray for us as we serve the community in this challenging
and creative way.

What price did you pay?
On Wednesdays I meet with Lj who
is very interested in spiritual things. She always has a lot of questions
like “How does holy water work? Why do some Christians cross themselves before entering church and others don’t? Where do demons come from? How do guardian angels work? Why did people come to John to be baptized? Why did Jesus want to be baptized?” You get the idea.

This week we read about the fisherman who left everything to follow Jesus. We talked about a person’s spiritual journey moving from a place far from God to becoming a child of God and serving Him. As I was relating the story Jesus told of the man who considers the cost before building a home she asked me quite simply, “What price did you pay?” No one’s ever asked me that before.

Growing up in America the initial cost to follow Christ is usually minimal unless your family comes from a completely different background. As we move into adulthood we have many opportunities to “pay” by choosing godliness over whatever is popular at the moment. Some may sacrifice popularity, a particular boyfriend or career to walk more closely with God.
Here in Bosnia almost everyone who chooses Christ pays an initial price that may include friends, family, a home or job. As Lj considers the cost of following Jesus, please pray with me that she grasps the immeasurable value of the grace, forgiveness and eternal life she will receive in exchange.

As you consider your own spiritual journey, let me ask you, “What price did you pay?” Where are you at in your walk with Him? Is it time for another costly life decision? May God show you the great wealth of his riches that you will receive in return for your obedience and sacrifice. He is worth it all!

Kathy, for the Eikosts

If you would like to receive regular updates from the team in Bosnia, contact Debbie Sande at to be included in these emails. Each update provides many ways in which you can continue to pray for and support the work in Bosnia.

We stand with them to bring the light of Christ to a dark place! Let us not grow weary in
doing good, for God is in this! Peace-

Pastor Nick

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