Friday, April 13, 2007

Easter Service

Pastor Nick delivered his Easter message very efficiently at Kelso High: the count was 269 in attendance, meaning that for all of them to hear him preach in the sanctuary, they would have had to divide among three services.

"It was like a celebration just to have the whole church family together for one service," Ann said.

Nick offered this thought about his sermon: "I think I always use a different approach at my thesis than I normally do. My normal style tends to be deductive-- give the big points first, then the evidence-- but this time it was interesting to just let the story be told."

If I had to choose a day to get up and preach, Christmas and Easter would be my last two choices. I was impressed with Nick's ability to work within the confines of a seeker-oriented service on a major holiday, yet still reveal fresh ideas that hold the attention of long-time Christians.

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