Thursday, June 14, 2007

Better than Expected

Sometimes you have an idea, and it just doesn't pan out. But once in a while it works out better than you ever expected. That is how I feel this week.

In September when we were planning Kidville for the year I knew we wanted to put together a craft day for the kids as their last class of summer. We decided to help the kids make bird houses and bird feeders and to do it on Father's Day weekend. So far, so good. Now all I needed was a bird house design, wood, skill, tools, time...

Today, sitting on the counter in my office is the better-than-expected result of God's blessing on this project for our kids. When I asked Will Dunn what he thought of the idea and if he, as a home builder, had any suggestions, little did I know what he would do.

I now have 40 hand crafted bird house kits ready for Kidville citizen's to assemble this weekend; and get this: they are beautifully and precisely made from pieces of old growth cedar! They are going to make wonderful fragrant homes for our feathered friends.

This is such an encouragement to our children's ministry. It really represents our value that we will do our very best for our kids, give our very best, even precious old growth wood! Thanks Will for taking over a project that was just an idea when you got your hands on it. You have blessed all of us...and my office smells like a forest!

Stay tuned to see pictures of little home-builders at work. We'll post them here after the weekend services.

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