Friday, February 01, 2008

All in favor...say aye!

This year's annual celebration and business meeting was held Sunday, January 27th at noon. After a pot luck lunch enjoyed by about 75 attendees and their kids, the kids were dismissed to their own play area and the meeting got underway. We began with a time of communion served at tables. Pastor Nick then shared his annual "State of the Church" message in which he noted that we have great people, a great staff, and a great God. We are ready to take the next step!

We established a quorum, approved the agenda and the minutes from last year's meeting, and noted that ministry reports have been published.

We then looked over the treasurer and assistant treasurers' reports and approved those. The election of the various ministry teams was accomplished by a unanimous vote. In fact, throughout the meeting not a single nay vote was cast! Finally we considered the budget for the coming year and approved it for $251,642.00.

The meeting was closed with a real sense of unity and purpose as we begin the next steps for our long planned sanctuary remodel. If you missed the meeting, reports are available in the church office.

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