We spent our first full day in Sarajevo taking a brief tour of the city and enjoying some local cuisine. The cevapi (small veal sausages in pita bread with creamy butter) is really excellent! A young couple from one of the local churches gave us a tour. They are both native Sarajevans (is that a word?) and have some unique perspective having lived in the city during the years of war and siege. (1992-1995) Unfortunately, we seemed to have brought the rain to Bosnia with us. We had our umbrellas up off and on all day. We stood on the spot where World War I began, visited a local mosque, and walked through numerous markets.
We also went up to the Cultural Center and saw the progress there. The place looks great- they have completely renovated it and are now opening it up to the public. The location is truly amazing- the street below is more like a courtyard. When we walked through yesterday, there were hundreds of people milling about at cafes, drinking coffee, and watching soccer. We canvased this area, as well as several other areas within walking distance, handing out fliers for the English Camp. Even though we spoke different languages, most people seemed very open to receiving the information. Please continue to pray for more registrations to the Camp!
As our team spends time around this great city, we are beginning to sense God's incredible love for this people. It is a very religious culture, with mosques, cathedrals, synagogues, and churches dotting the landscape. But for most, religion has actually become something that keeps them distant from God. Religion and culture are tied together, so to be Bosnian is to be Muslim, regardless of actual heart belief. Pray that God will continue to break through this barrier so that people can discover His true love for them.
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Wow, it really sounds like you have done a lot of different things for only being there a couple of days! Thanks for the pictures, it really give us a good idea of what it is like over there. We are praying for the team and the local believers, and we can't wait to hear how your first day of the camp goes. We love and miss you all.
It's great to see pictures. Sounds like you are getting valuable perspective of the city and people. We're praying that the camp will be filled with all the right kids and that your love for them will open doors to share God's love with them. We miss you!
I love being in the 'electronic age'!! Being able to communicate with you all while you're there is such a gift! We missed you today, but envisioned you having the awesome experience of lighting candles in the spiritual darkness that is a huge part of the people for whom we are praying. My heart is increasingly going at to them as I pray for them to begin to understand what it will mean to their lives when they find Jesus. My heart is also with you, Team Bosnia, as you light those candles, and for Mark and his family and the team of people "on the ground" there beside him. Blessings!! Love you!! Mary Hagle
It is so exciting to follow along with how Religion and culture will unravel threw your sharing of God's love.Thank You for the day by day and the pictures. I pray that the handing out of the invitations will float around like a rumor and bring in many potential followers for Christ. Praying for your health also. Just to let you know Ann did a great job sunday holding up the church. But you were still missed.
hi to all of you....but a special happy birthday to you caleb. we miss being with you on your day...but know God is using all of you as salt and light in a thirsty and dark part of the world.
28 years ago God gave you as a gift to us...we love you so much.
be blessed!!!
mom and dad
heide and willie
What - no news today. Must be sleeping in.
Happy Birthday Caleb!!
Thanks for the updates and the pics, it gives us all a sense of your day-to day over there.
It is eerily quiet here at the office today...
Miss you guys!
Sheesh! Give me a minute, will ya? :-) Two new posts will be up within the hour. It's been busy today!
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