We are in SARAJEVO!
Our lengthy 22.5 hour trip over here went off without a hitch and we are enjoying our first full day here in the capital of Bosnia.
Mark Byrom met us at the airport and ferried all of us and our bags to the various places where we are staying. After everyone was settled, we met up at the Byroms for a little Bosnian pizza and orientation. It was rather humorous to look around the room as Mark shared some material with us, because various team members kept nodding off. Pillows were thrown and legs kicked in order to keep everyone conscious. Most of us had been up over 28 hours at that point and fighting off sleep was a real challenge. But these mean missionaries forced us to stay awake until 9 PM so that we would be sure to get a full night's sleep.
I have to hand it to the Byroms- they are wise! After being forced to stay up until 9, I slept a full night. We'll get together with the rest of the team in a bit and hopefully their experience was the same. Today will be spent getting a feel for the city, visiting the cultural center, and then passing out advertisements for the English Camp tonight in old downtown Sarajevo.
Please continue to pray for group health. Also, pray for great responsiveness to the English Camp invitations. This is the first time the Bosnian team has done an English Camp in Sarajevo, and so it has been more challenging to get people interested. Pray that we could shine the Light of Christ in this place. Finally, pray that we would be a great encouragement to the Bosnian Team here.
(All the pictures are from Mark and Debbie Byrom's balcony)
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