Yesterday was the final day of our English Camp as well as the open house program in the evening. I can't imagine a better end to our week! We were truly overwhelmed by the response. Every kid and at least one parent came back to the program. It was evident in so many ways that this week had meant a great deal not only to the kids, but also to the parents. We had numerous families asking, "When will you be back? When will you do this again? Why are you leaving?" A few parents had even gotten together and bought us gifts! This week made a deep impact here and we believe it created many, many connections with Sarajevans that the Byroms and others will be able to follow-up on.
We also gave our high school helpers some gifts to thank them for all the time they spent translating for us. You would have loved to see their reactions. They exclaimed, "This is too much! Why would you do this for us?" They were shocked that we would have gifts for them. I think they felt that we were doing them a favor by letting them work with us on their English. But we would have been lost without all their translating help. I think our team has left a lasting impression with them that we hope will lead to spiritual fruit in their lives.
Today we are off to pray our way around the city. Please pray for me if you get a chance- I have been asked to preach at two services tomorrow. Pray that God will give me the right topic and the right words to encourage the believers here. I am honored by this opportunity!
Our trip is winding down, but God is still at work! Thanks for your partnership with us-
that's so good!
still praying....
willie and heide
Sounds like good seeds have been planted. Sounds like the planters had a great time and will have plenty of stories to share when they get home. We are excited to hear much more about the friendships and contacts. What a blessed start of our partnership in action.
OK, it is time to come home and get back to work now! I will be praying for a gentle reentry for each of you, and a fabulous continuation of the adventure for Bob and Chris in Germany. ~Ann.
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