It is hard for me to believe that we have reached the halfway point of our trip. Usually I would say that it has gone by so quickly, but this time I truly feel the opposite. I feel that our days have felt so full and so significant that I am amazed we still have 6 full days to spend here. Awesome!
This morning, our group split into three teams and prayer walked through the heart of the city. We met up again at the Holiday Inn, which was the international and press headquarters during the war. Lunch was spent at a little fast food spot run by friends of Todd and Karen Denius. Todd and Karen are Alliance workers, and they have reached out to this couple from their apartment building. Pray that these friends would continue towards Christ!
Would you join us in that prayer?
Please continue to pray for Caleb- he still feeling under the weather. We need him back!
Tomorrow, we have been asked to head up the small group time for the Malta church. They have three small groups that will meet together for a message and discussion. Pastor Sasa is out of town and asked me to bring a message and for Caleb to lead some music. I think this is pretty great progression- we have gone from hardly knowing Sasa to being left in charge when he leaves! God's favor, my friends! Pray for continued effective ministry with this church.
Finally, blogs are meant to be interactive by nature. They are intended to invite feedback, questions, interaction, and encouragement. From our web traffic, I know many of you are checking in. THANKS! But no one wants to, I will bring home a Bosnia souvenier for the first five people who post a reply to this blog. (And you must post more than "Praying!") Leave at least one complete sentence and the goodies are yours.
I enjoy seeing the pictures. Many things look familiar and it helps remind me of things to pray for. That is great that Sasha turned the meeting over to you. I know that one of our prayer concerns last year was good relationships between missionaries and the national church and concern that there may be a feeling of competition. It is great to see the sense of shared mission.
Bob Simmons
It is great to see the progress God is making through all of you! So sorry to hear Caleb is under the weather. We are praying for all of you, your success and your safe return. We miss you all. I've got to admit I'm a little envious!
Steve Jones
It sounds like you are making some significant inroads and building relationships. We will miss you at Admin Board tonight! Ask Marian if she's seen Sergei yet.
I want to know if you guys have felt spiritual darkness there. Like, if there have been certain times when you felt compelled to pray for something.
Hey! Looks like you guys are all keeping very busy, and having great opportunities to make connections, and deepen relationships with the local churches. Will keep praying for Caleb and the rest of you. Thanks for keeping us updated!
Matt Milligan
Thanks you FIVE for commenting! You will receive the promised Bosnian souvenirs. I do hope that you will continue to comment and interact with the team!
Bob- thanks for being on the "pioneer" trip. It is evident that our first group paved the way for what is happening now.
Steve- I hope you are envious! I would so love to have you come with at some point. You would love it.
June- I will ask Marian! Hope the meeting goes well. Don't sell anything without me.
Evan- we definitely felt more darkness yesterday as we prayer walked around the city. The weather was also gloomy and it just felt like the enemy wants to hold this place captive. We keep praying in the power of Jesus!
Matt- please keep praying for Caleb. He's a little better today, but only a little. The relationships on this trip really have been awesome.
Thanks for praying all!
Bummer I didn't make the cut. I bet I will still get a prize though. Thanks for all the great stories and photos. Stay healthy, we are praying for you. Thanks for all your hard work.
That is very interesting about the dragon and the city looking like it was laid out in a dragon pattern. I'd love to see a picture of that. I bet I could google it, eh? And I see I didn't make the top 5 either, but I'd sure take a Bosnian souvenir for Christmas, birthday, favorite-sister-day whatever. (And by the way, Nick, what are you wearing in that last picture?)
Love you! Marcia
What am I wearing? Are you suggesting it's inappropriate in some way? Ha- it's actually my Boston Marathon jacket, which glows so well that sometimes even the camera picks it up.
Love ya-
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