Tuesday, October 14, 2008

You Just Had To Be There

Words and pictures cannot accurately report what "simple truth" women's retreat was like. You just had to be there. You had to see the ocean view from the deck, you had to feel the balmy sunny windless weather, you had to see the deer grazing within arm's reach, you had to taste that amazing gravy.

Twenty-eight women attended the EHA retreat in Ocean Park, and we knew from the very beginning it would be great: Dessert the first evening was "Death by Chocolate". As far as we know no one really died from it, but it would have been worth it!

Our time together was marked by a real sense of unity and joy. During messages from God's word we heard about unity, diversity, and margin. We sang to guitar and piano music provided by Becky Cox. We played crazy games, had quiet times of reflection and prayer, and even shopped a little bit. There was something for everyone.

I came home blessed, refreshed, and so impressed with the women of East Hills and their talents and care for each other. And I fell deeper in love with a kind and caring Savior. That is the 'simple truth'.

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