Thursday, March 20, 2014

Alpha Course Update

The Alpha Course has been alive and well at East Hills over the past month and a half. 

Friday, March 14, 2014

Why Pray?

Thirty-seven people joined in a 24-hour marathon of prayer for the health, welfare and future of our church and our nation late last month. Why did we pray? The House asked five participants for their “take” on the Call to Prayer and their personal commitment to pray:

Thursday, March 13, 2014

T Minus Six Months and Counting: Longview Launch Update

In February of 2013, Susan and I were called by East Hills to lead the launch of a new campus into Longview. In those days, the launch of a new campus seemed only a dream, as it was so far in the future.

“...this is a spiritual endeavor led by Him and nothing less.”