Monday, October 21, 2013

Advancing the Vision for Church Planting

On September 18th, Pastor Nick, Kendra Shaw, and I boarded a plane bound for Dallas, Texas and the Leadership Network Multi-site Jumpstart. Loaded down with computers, plans, dreams, and ideas, we weren’t totally sure what we were getting ourselves into, but we did know that whatever it was, it was going to stretch us and at the same time fine-tune us with regard to the church planting dreams and direction for East Hills. I’m confident to say that at the end of our two days, we feel that all of the above took place in spades.

At our arrival to the event on Thursday morning, September 19, Pastor Nick, Kendra and I had the opportunity to informally meet the other four churches that were walking through the process with us. Coming from North Carolina, West Virginia, Michigan, and the central coast of California, it was clear that a broad cross-section of churches and ministry fields were represented. This dynamic added to the flow of ideas and insights that were shared throughout the process.

Following introductions, the facilitators of the Jumpstart (themselves leaders in the multi-site church planting movement) walked us prayerfully through two straight days of in-depth processing. We began by sharing our own specific vision for planting with the Jumpstart      leaders and other churches using only picture drawings on a whiteboard as visuals, which was a stretch in and of itself! We also had an opportunity to break up into mixed teams with members from all the different churches and develop a six-month plan for launching a multisite church campus. This activity stretched our minds to consider  every aspect of planning that goes into such a launch, and the cross-pollination of leadership helped us all see the holes in our own planning up to that point.

Some of the processing we did was in the form of lecture /discussion with key national leaders in the multi-site church planting realm. Through either live interaction or through video conference, we discussed (in both large and small group formats) everything from the latest data regarding multi-site church planting to the “what not to do’s” with regard to site selection and leadership team development. The discussions, as well as the ideas, links, and resources that came out of these interactions were critical to the fine-tuning of the vision that God has given us.

Throughout the two days, Pastor Nick, Kendra, and I also had opportunities to interact as a team. We dreamed  together. We bounced ideas off one another. We held different ideas that other leaders gave us up to the light of scrutiny with regard to our unique ministry field in the northwest. Some of these ideas we came to embrace, while others we recognized as not ideal fits for launching a church in Longview, Washington. And at the end of our time together, we drafted EHA’s first six-month strategic plan for launching a new site plant in Longview in the fall of 2014! While still in its most basic form, this plan will serve as a critical framework from which we will hang the various details of the planning process over the next six months. It will also serve as a launch pad for our next six-month strategic plan that will take us into the launch of a new campus next fall.

“What does this vision and strategy look like?” you might ask. Great question! On Wednesday evening, October 30 at 6:30pm, Pastor Nick and I will be sharing about many of the details regarding vision, planning, and direction for the future plant. Come to EHA that evening to hear all about it, as well as to ask questions. We know that a second congregation cannot happen without the active investment and involvement of the entire church, so your involvement is critical. I cannot encourage you enough to be there on October 30 to get the full report on where we’ve been and where we believe God is taking us. In the meantime, please be praying for us, and if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to connect with    either me ( or Pastor Nick ( We would be happy to talk with you about what God is doing! I’m excited to be on this mission with all of you!

Pastor Jon

Connection Groups

East Hills Alliance has six on-going Connection Groups that encourage fellow believers to meet together for fellowship, prayer, study and discussion. This month, three Connection Group leaders share details about their groups.

 Jesse Jorgensen Young Adult Connection Group 
When Julia and I came to East Hills last spring, one of the things we were excited about being a part of was the Young Adult Group. Ever since the group got its new start in late July we have been looking forward to the meetings and have enjoyed the deepening of friendships being formed through the group.

When the group gathered to talk about our vision for the future, one of the words that came up was “transitional”. That word  really is a great way to describe this group. The years following high school are often one of many transitions. Just think about the changes that can accompany these years. Sometimes, it involves moving away from home, attending college, choosing a degree, changing that degree, transferring to a new college, new jobs, friends move away, relationships change, new relationships are started. Change, adjustments, transition, these things are definitely present in the young adult season of life.

Because of this we have defined our group as, “a gathering for anyone in the transitional time after High School through college and into the start of careers.” We meet on a weekly basis to eat good food, play games, and talk about God and life. The meetings take place at 7pm on Tuesday evenings. The location of the meeting changes as we move around to different homes as different ones in the group offer to host. We even took advantage of the wonderful weather this last summer and met at the lake once. We had a picnic, threw a frisbee around and sat in the grass as we talked about a portion of Scripture and prayed for each other.

Studying Scripture has been important to us. We decided that we would pick a book of the Bible and tear it apart together. Often, we’ll read a chapter a week, one paragraph at a time, and talk about the ideas that stand out to us, discussing the implications of it in our lives. Currently, we are reading through 1 Corinthians. I’m always really impressed at the things that can be learned when a group of people read and talk about the Bible together. Every week it seems, someone says something that I never would have thought on my own. Because of this, I leave the group understanding more about God and my relationship with Him.

The group is always open to new people. If you find yourself in the transitional season of life that we face as young adults, we'd love to have you be part of our group. The best way to get involved is to get in contact with me. I’d love to answer any questions you have about the group, and I can put you on the young adult email list in order to make sure you get the pertinent information about where we meet each week and what we plan to do. You can contact me by email at: or call the church office at 423.0521.

Steve and Susan Jones
The Jones' Connection group meets Wednesdays at 6:30p for dessert at 129 Merced Drive in Kelso.

Our group consists of a variety of people in different stages of life. We have empty  nesters and families with children, shift workers and people who are retired. Our main focus is on prayer. We also go over one or more questions from the weekend's services. We try to fit in a fun night once a month as well as a community service outreach

Last Wednesday we met at the Greg and Karla Bean's home for a game night. We hope to help prepare meals once a month at the Community House this year. Last year we served at the Caring Pregnancy Center by sorting baby clothes and cleaning baby equipment.

“I so appreciate the close friendships that are developed and the love and growth that takes place,” Susan said. ”I hope you will consider spending your Wednesday nights with us.”

For more information, contact  Steve at 431.1253.

The Simmons’ Connection Group
Meets the 1st and 3rd Sunday of each month from about 12:45p until about 3p Bob and Chris Simmons are both the leaders and the hosts for this group which meets at their home at 700 Canaan Court in Kelso (near Huntington Middle School).

We meet together and enjoy lunch and conversation about what has been going on in our lives over the past couple weeks.  After lunch, we talk about the sermon for that week with an emphasis on how we can apply the principles presented to our lives in the coming days and weeks.  We finish by dividing into men’s and women’s groups to share prayer requests and pray for the needs of each other and the church.

Please contact Bob or Chris if you’re interested in joining their group.
636.5079 – home
747.3773 – Bob’s cell

Leon and Rene Rennells 
Members: Chris Hageman, Kim & Tim Hansen, Marge Kalal, Doug & Betty Rae Radke, Leon & Rene' Rennells, and Jerry & Bobbi Wilson

Meet Wednesdays weekly, 6:00 to 7:30p, at Rennells' home, 2370 38th Ave., Longview.
Elements of meetings: ice breakers, sermon discussions & prayer in various orders and formats with light refreshments.

Connection Group description: admittedly a few gray hairs in group but each has a passion for children, we encourage each other through highs and lows of life, desire to serve others as directed by Holy Spirit, laugh at ourselves a lot & support each other in prayer during the week.

For more information on the Rennell’s
Connection Group, contact Leon at 442.0545.

In House and Around the Block

Last month The House highlighted Child Evangelism Fellowship as a ministry to believers outside EHA’s church walls…This month we interviewed members who are serving in the church as greeters during the Saturday and Sunday services.  They are Terry and Gayle Reid, Betty Rae Radke, Val Squires and Patti LaRose.

The House:  What made you decide to participate in the greeting ministry at church?

Val Squires: I felt led to "put myself out there" and interact with the people I worship with each week at Saturday night service. Being a member of the Welcome Team is a non-threatening way to meet and serve others.
Terry and Gayle Reid: There are many areas of opportunities to serve within the church, and what came to both our minds was serving on the Welcome Team.  In the past we have had the opportunity to visit a few different churches and noticed what a difference it makes in our overall church experience when someone was right there to greet us when we walked in the door, and was available to answer any questions we may have.    
Betty Rae Radke:  We were relatively new to the church, relocating here from eastern Oregon over last the 2 years, so I decided to par ticipate in the greeting ministry to help provide some of the same inviting first impression of this church that I received.

Patti LaRose: I have been attending EHAC for about five yrs. but didn't feel like I was a part of the church. I worked a rotating shift before, so when I found myself on extensive light duty straight day shift, I decided it would be a great opportunity to become more a part of East Hills.

The House: What do you enjoy about being a greeter?

Val Squires: I enjoy welcoming people into our home for corporate worship. I share my smile with them and they  almost always share their smile with me. It's lovely.        

Terry and Gayle Reid: The East Hills family has an incredible way of  making people feel warm and welcome, and add to that a smile,  a kind "hello" and "we are glad you are here" type of welcome may just make someone’s day a little bit better.

Betty Rae Radke: I enjoy being involved in providing the first smile or eye contact to familiar and unfamiliar faces that come in the door and in praying that each one will find in the hour ahead some connection to a personal current need in their life.    I also enjoy having a bit of personal pre-service worship as the music worship team accompanies the coffee brewing!

Patty LaRose: I have gotten to know members of the church and am recognized. I have more of a sense of belonging.

The House: Was there anything difficult for you at first?

Val Squires: For me, the most difficult part of the process was taking the step to contact Nick and say "Yes, I would like to be a member of the Welcome Team."  I was very nervous the first weekend I served but I got through it. Everyone is so kind and gracious.                                      

Terry and Gayle Reid: Being a greeter does come with a couple of challenges, such as: Having to make a
conscious effort to limit visiting time with some of the regular attendees.  We are all one big family, right? How do you ignore family?  Also, trying to figure out who is new vs. who is just attending a different service. I'm not sure why, but it's extremely scary to ask someone if they are new, knowing they could respond with "No, I've been coming here for 5 years."          

Betty Rae Radke: Thinking at first that I “should” ask and remember names of everyone.  Repetition does help, so thanks to the regular attenders!

The House: What is encouraging about this ministry for you?

Val Squires: To date, I have served on Welcome Team 3 times. I recognize many of the Saturday evening regular attendees and as time passes, I hope to learn the names of the people I greet.

 Becoming a member of the Welcome Team started with the challenge of taking a step of faith and saying "Yes." when called to take action. God does not disappoint. He is using me to welcome His beloved children and seekers to worship Him. I feel privileged to do that.

Betty Rae Radke: I guess it is encouraging that I CAN’T keep up with the new faces!

Patty LaRose: I especially like getting to know everyone at church. I am even able to be helpful if someone isn't sure about something. I have more ownership at East Hills. I like to think that if someone is new to East Hills that I am extending a welcoming hand to them when I smile and give them a bulletin.

Meet Todd & Karen Dinius

An update from the Dinius family on their work in Bosnia. 
August 2013
Greetings from Indiana!  

We have been back in the US for home assignment for three months now and have been thoroughly enjoying time with our family and friends!  We spent much of the first 2 months with Karen's family in Pennsylvania, including a family vacation to Bethany Beach, Delaware.  Bethany was so excited to have a beach named after her!  We also attended our church denomination's bi-annual meeting (C&MA General Council) in Tampa, Florida as a whole family in June and Todd attended two training conferences in Colorado Springs, Colorado in July.  It was so good to connect with our fellow International Workers from around the world, particularly those who were sent out 4 years ago with us.  We finally moved on to Indiana at the end of July.  We've spent this past month getting settled into a home, visiting friends, starting school, and preparing for Fall tour.

Answers to Prayer
God has answered many prayers and we want to give Him glory for His goodness and provision!

Housing:  God provided a home for us that is owned by a couple who attend the local Chinese Alliance church.  It is in a quiet neighborhood that is within a 5 minute walk to Bethany’s elementary school.  It also is within walking distance of 7 playgrounds!

Joshua’s Health:  Joshua received ear tubes in early June and his hearing has improved a lot!  As well, he has not been coughing frequently like he did overseas, so we are thankful for this improvement which we are praying continues.

Adjustment:  Our adjustment to being back in the US has gone well overall.  Bethany and Kaitlyn have transitioned smoothly, and Joshua, although missing Bosnia immensely, is getting used to being in America. We all were greatly blessed with fun times this summer connecting with family and friends.

School:  Bethany really enjoys first grade and is like a sponge learning math, reading, and writing.  She is excited to go to school and is already making good friends.  Joshua is looking forward to starting a Pre-K program next week at a nearby church.

The Source:  Our teammates in Bosnia have had a full summer of ministry through camps and English programs as well as personal time to travel and rest.

Prayer Requests
Todd’s Health:  Todd has had multiple tests and appointments with doctors regarding the black-outs/seizures that he has had.  So far no direct cause has been identified, but he is now taking anti-seizure medication to reduce the possibility of it happening again.

Washington Tour:  Todd will be traveling to churches in Washington state for nine weeks beginning at the end of September, not returning to Indiana until right before

Thanksgiving.  Karen and the children will fly out to visit Todd and the church in Kelso, Washington for a long weekend in October.  Please pray for Karen and the children during this long time of separation! Please pray for Todd’s interactions with churches as he shares about God’s work in Bosnia.

Spiritual Refreshment:  We are attending Eagle Church (C&MA) in Zionsville, Indiana and have enjoyed the times of worship there.  Please pray for continued spiritual and emotional renewal for our family as we worship, pray, and fellowship with others.

Bosnian Friend:  Lily, the woman who was going to church with us for the past year, has been traveling a lot over the summer.  Please pray that as she returns to Sarajevo that she and her daughter, Lucy, will get reconnected to church and begin studying the Bible with our co-worker, Kathy.

The Source:  Our team's center is set to start their Fall programs.  Please pray for deepening of relationships with children and families as the center begins classes, seminars, and special activities in September.

Connecting With Us
We would love to connect with you personally while we are back in the US. Our address for the year is: 708 Avondale Street, West Lafayette, IN 47906.

If you are in Washington state and want to connect with Todd while he is out there, then please send us a message.

Thanks so much for your prayers and support!

Pastor's Corner

I Am Full!
One of my favorite stories about Jesus came up in our recent reading in the Chronological Bible. In John 4, Jesus has a significant conversation with a Samaritan woman. In that first century context, his willingness to speak with her at all was shocking enough, but then Jesus tops that revealing to her that he is indeed the long-awaited Messiah. This passage always reminds me that Jesus is eager to make Himself known to those who hunger and thirst for His salvation.

But the part of the story that really gets me is when the disciples return. As we might expect, they are shocked to find him talking to this woman. They stand there, a bit befuddled about what to say, and so they change the subject to food. Jesus had sent the disciples on an errand to buy bread, and now they have returned. They tell Jesus to eat something. But Jesus responds with this amazing statement, “My nourishment comes from doing the will of God who sent me, and from finishing his work.” (John 4:34)

We might expect Jesus to say something like that. It sounds very spiritual, doesn’t it? But look again at what he implies here. Essentially, Jesus tells the disciples that when He serves God and gives His life away, He gets filled up from that process. Doing God’s work energizes, rather than drains him. In our busy, go-go-go world, I wonder if we ever experience this. Work is draining. Kids are exhausting. Volunteering and helping sap our strength. We get to the end of a day most often feeling very depleted and hungry.

Yet here is Jesus saying that to work for God is all the food He needs. What this says to me is that when we live our lives according to God’s plan and God’s call, we are filled up. I get so busy marching to my own agenda, intent on accomplishing my own personal  

to-do list, that I wonder if I have room for God to speak and direct in this way. I am encouraged by this story to reflect on how my “work”, especially the things I do “for God” could come from God’s direction. Let me make four suggestions of how we might all move in this direction:

1. Know who you are. Jesus knew that He had come to seek and save the lost. When he saw a lost woman at the well, He knew that it was God’s will for Him to speak with her. While we will never be Jesus, we have been given an assignment by our Heavenly Father. He has crafted and created us a certain way. We are wired to do certain things well. Lean into these areas of your life.

2. Know who you aren’t. In John 4, Jesus rests at the well because He is tired. He had an awareness of the limits of his humanity. He needed to be refreshed. So often, our work is draining because we get busy trying to live beyond our limits. We try to fulfill someone else’s vision for who we should be or what we should do. You aren’t super-human. You aren’t Jesus. Learn to say “no” to the things that simply go beyond your capabilities.

3. Take time to listen. From the earliest stories of Jesus’ life, we find him escaping to solitary places, not just so he can be alone, but more importantly so that He can pray. The Son of God knew He needed time with God; how much more do you and I need the same thing? We must spend time each day in God’s Word and listening for God’s voice if we hope to know what the Father has and has not called us to do.

4. Walk in obedience. In John 4, Jesus chose to walk through Samaria. Most “proper Jews” would go miles out of their way to avoid the place. I think Jesus’ intentional path through Samaria was in obedience to God’s leading. The events with the woman at the well would never have take place if not for this first step of obeying God. As we make choices to do what God has called us to do in Scripture, we also will put ourselves in places to do the filling, nourishing work that God has for us.

Can you imagine what it would be like to get to the end of a busy, full day and say, “I’m filled up.”? I believe this is the kind of life God invites us into when we listen to His voice and live out of who He has made us to be. May we all experience such fullness from doing His will!

Pastor Nick